Ever since Michigan jumped up a 1 spot in the polls a couple weeks ago, because of a late corrected ballot I have been keeping an entertaining eye on how certain people vote each week in the college football polls. Pollspeak.com is a great way to compare how voters rate each team so differently and how certain ballots look to have a funny regional favorite or theme to them. I have enjoyed being able to keep a watchful eye over the process the last few weeks now. I agree that early in a season it doesn’t really matter were a team is rated and most likely it won’t be changed or looked at until the last few weeks. Like when TCU was dropped a spot by the human poll last year so they wouldn’t have a chance to make the National Championship. This made me wonder how a team could all of a sudden not be looked at as a top team compared to the weeks before, or was it a way of the voters showing they didn’t want to take the heat for a TCU vs. Alabama national championship. Now with pollspeak it is a great tool to realize who these people are that will always vote the Big Ten down many spots compared to the SEC or the people who still love Texas and USC so much they have them in the top 15 even a couple losses.
I give the AP voters some credit knowing their polls are going to be public and most likely that means their inbox each week will be full of emails complaining about their ballot. The Harris poll and USA today coaching poll I also think should become available to the public for scrutiny, since we all know that 75 percent of the coaches have an assistant or somebody on the staff fill out their poll. This system is very flawed and this weekly availability of the AP Poll really shows it. I think people would complain anyways in a playoff, even though I would love to see a playoff just so I would find out if Boise State would be able to actually win more then just 1 game to win the national championships, but who is to say voters don’t move them down or a certain team to 9th place so they get replaced by an Ohio State, Michigan, or Southern Cal. This would cause the same uproar as them getting voted out of the national championship in the system that is in place now.
Yes, don’t you guy's worry I also always seem to be that guy that sends a couple emails to a voter just wondering what they were thinking. This week I had three lucky winners that I sent emails to, one was a voter that had Alabama still third and the likes of Oklahoma , Nebraska and Boise State behind, also another voter that had Alabama 3 spots above Oklahoma . How can you really say after last week that Alabama is still deserving to be 3rd in the Nation is my question? I am not even an Oklahoma , Nebraska , or Boise State fan I just feel they are getting unfairly voted down at this point and time. Or are these people not watching the games, like one voter who at least admitted he didn’t watch the Iowa game and had no idea why he had them rated like he did. At least he is honest, because I am certain half these voters don’t watch any of the games. It would be like me talking to you about the Colorado State game, I would have no idea as I didn’t watch it. Another is a guy who constantly votes the Big 10 teams down, he has Ohio State 7th, and Michigan State finally rated this week at 23rd. You have got to be kidding me. He usually gets an email each week from me that he doesn’t respond to. Then finally the lovely lady from little brother Sparties hometown, she hadn’t had Michigan rated once this year and still has Texas in her top 25. Only thing I can muster up to think about that is from the great words of OchoCinco, “CHILD PLEASE”.
No system in the world will ever be perfect to everyone, but thanks to pollspeak.com and other people who constantly monitor the voters, it’s one of the best tools out their for us to keep an eye on the voters. Maybe it will finally make voters more conscious of their efforts, and will have them at least explain their reasoning. That is what we all deserve is just an explanation about why people voted for who and why. Let’s start holding voters more accountable for their actions and pay better attention to them. I will keep an eye on this an talk about it more as the year goes bye.
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